
What if there doesn’t need to be a tradeoff between protecting the information you put on the web and convenience?

Almost every website tracks user information while users are left in the dark about how their information is being used. As a result, there has been a large public debate about who owns the rights to data and what companies can or cannot do with data.

Role: Ideation of Design Probe and Data Analysis, Scenarios & Storyboard Building, Brand Name Creation 


The Problem: How can users have greater say in how their data is used?

Human Insight: People don’t have a problem with having their information out there. They just need to be able to specify what.

After using a design probe to mine insights, we decided that there should be varying levels of security for: simple log-ins, personal ad sensitive information, and transactions such as renting a house or applying for a loan.

The Solution: We need a way to protect people’s information while making it easy to navigate the web.

MasterKey is personal online ID. Each user can only have one MasterKey acting as a unique digital passport allowing services to verify users and prevent multiple and fraud accounts. It is a third party, non-profit log-in service that prioritizes user safety and privacy and will, under no circumstances, compromise data for profit.

Group Members: Charley Huang, Grace Kim, Andrew Haitz, Mimi Shalf, Andrew Dildy
