“Morning boys, how’s the water? ....WHAT THE HELL IS WATER?”
When talking to Jason Lonsdale, CSO at Ogilvy, about what it means to be a great strategist, he pointed me to the speech “This is Water” by David Foster Wallace.
He wanted me to understand this:
Everything’s worth trying or worth the attempt to understand.
Just when you think you know something, think again.
As a chronic sticky-noter, I realized that I need a more productive, organized way to record my thoughts (and to stop killing trees). I tried to fix it by becoming a chain screenshot-er but this was an even worse way to take notes. Here is a truly random collection of stories and ideas: half-baked, beer-battered, and deep-fried.
What A Truly Sustainable Fashion Supply Chain Looks Like
What I Learned From Being an On-Set Translator for a Documentary Series on E-Sports Players
Extreme Sports is a Family Affair
Dying with Dignity. The Perfect Sentence. And Oil-Free, Plant-Based Diets When You’re 70.
What Really Happens When You Chase a Subway Pervert
Teaching Kids About Environmentalism with a Fashion Show Made From Trash